What’s the Liebster Award? It’s an opportunity for travel bloggers to get to know other travel bloggers. Big thanks to myjourneyaroundtheglobe for nominating me for this award, I’m so happy! 🙂 Go check her blog, she’s celebrating her birthday in Paris.
My blog is two months old; its purely about travel and I’m slowly putting together all my past and current wayfaring. It’s my way of reliving my travels, and to be of some help to fellow travel buddies.
So here I need to answer eleven questions which will let you, my dear Readers, get to know me a bit better. Then I will nominate some other up-coming bloggers for the award and set them questions to answer. You can find those at the bottom of this post. So let’s get into it.
1. What has been your most amazing travel experience yet?
Ufff…That’s tough! I’ll just pick my latest amazing experience. The hike to ‘The Wave’ in Arizona. This place is extraordinary; how much ever I had read about it, my mind was just blow away being there. You have to see it to believe it!

Here’s a video of another amazing experience – Dall’s porpoises frolicking alongside our boat in Kenai Fjords national park of Alaska.
2. If you had a ticket around the world and you could pick 5 countries to visit.. which would you pick?
Antarctica, ok ok I know it’s not a country, so let’s say I want to visit the US part of Antarctica, New Zealand, Madagascar, Greenland, Palau.
3. You have to decide between a camera, cellphone or laptop. What would you take with you on a journey?
I guess I’ll take my cellphone and click hundreds of pics with it.
4. What was your longest flight yet.. where did you fly and how long did it take?
My longest flight was between India and California(USA). It took 23 hrs!
5. What’s your favourite thing to do when waiting for your flight at the airport?
People watching – I never get bored of it.
6. Have you ever had a bad travel experience? – What was it?
A small one on the streets of Bangkok, Thailand. We had taken a tuk-tuk to go to some place and the driver took us to through narrow streets to a dingy place. He tried hard to make us go to a Go-Go bar, but we somehow got him to stop the vehicle and immediately left the place.
7. If you could pick between a safari in Africa, a diving journey at the Maldives or a trekking tour in Machu Picchu – what would you go for?
I would love to go to all three places. 🙂 I love hiking and since Machu Picchu is closer to home, for now I’ll skip that and pick the safari in Africa. Haven’t been to any country in that continent.
8. Have you ever lost luggague?
Thankfully never.
9. What would be your worst nightmare to happen while travelling?
Unable to find the hotel or place I’m staying (at night) in a foreign county, there’s nobody to ask directions and I don’t have a mobile.
10. Have you ever made friends while travelling?
Yes. While in South India, befriended a girl from Denmark, the other was a guy from Australia while in Borneo, Malaysia and a girl from Germany while exploring Ladakh,India.
11. Do you prefer travelling alone or taking someone with you?
I have travelled alone a few times in the past. But now I prefer to travel with my hubby, we are a tag-team you see. I get so excited seeing beautiful places and need to tell somebody all the time!
Here are the rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your own blog.
- Display the award on your blog as a feature image, graphic, or widget.
- Answer the eleven questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
- Nominate five to eleven blogs that you feel deserve the award.
- Ask a new list of eleven questions for your nominees to answer.
- List these rules in your post.
- Publish the full post on your blog.
- Notify your nominees with a link to your Liebster post so that they can learn about it.
Here are my nominees:
- Ellen from wwellend
- Libby and Ali from trekkinggirls
- Emily from thefilesofatravelingdaydreamer
- toliveistotravelblog
- thesnowmeltssomewhere
- soratheexplorer
- mybloggableday
- travelerconfidential
- whahnderlust
- thetravelinggypsy
- mdemeltravels
11 Questions for my Nominees
1. What has been your most memorable travel experience so far?
2. Have you travelled alone? If yes, where and when?
3. What is the strangest food you have eaten?
4. What’s your weirdest, most unusual cultural experience?
5. What is one destination you felt overrated?
6. Where would you go for an adventure of your lifetime?
7. Which is your happy place?
8. What is your favorite cuisine?
9. Which is the place you have recently heard of, that you didn’t know about?
10. Why do you blog?
11. Totally how many countries have you visited? Flight layovers/changes and work-travel do not count.
I’m waiting to read your response. Sometimes pingbacks don’t work, so appreciate if you guys would please comment with a link of your post. Thank you!
Hey there! Thanks for including me in your list of nominees! For some reason, pingbacks haven’t been working for me for a while (I’ve got the right box ticked and everything), and I just randomly noticed this link through my stats! Interesting post and blog you have here Mrs Wayfarer 🙂 I’ve decided not to participate in awards, but since I really like your questions here and they’re travel related, I think I’ll do a little post with just the questions! Have a nice week!
Thank you for your kind words. ? Pingbacks haven’t been working for me either, hence I commented on your blog with the nomination link. Waiting to read your post with the answers. You too have a great week!
Oh, I didn’t see that either! Whaat..!
Ohhh ? guess it’s waiting moderation.
Nope, went to spam 🙁 But I rescued it!
Haha ??
Here’s my version: https://thesnowmeltssomewhere.wordpress.com/2015/08/05/travel-q-and-a/
[…] is a post to test pingbacks and see that they work, only for posts, for e.g. Anna’s Liebster award post that are linked (not the home page), because most of us don’t have a page as the […]
Thank you so much for nominating me. I am honored! I just posted my response on my blog.